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              T: 045-001

              日本国 北海道岩内郡岩内町字栄167番地の11号


              Aza Sakae167-11, Iwanai-tyou, Iwanai-gun, Hokkaido, Japan..



              The Author:

              Tosiro Kondo: male, over age 20. Oriental, Black hair and Brown eye. Tall 5ft. 9inch. Type Average.


                            近藤敏郎 成人、日系、黒髪、


六角形:                              <Look below for other things.>





              <Not Married and live with 3 families. >




              116303-0586384 岩内支店



              Also, bank account is

              116303-0586384 general

              Iwanai-branch, Hokkaido bank.


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Odigo Number :21519196

IOCQ number :278731225


最新の情報 <news.>


At:2/18/2005 11:00:26 PM JMT

町内で葬式、鈴木建設の社長? さんだ。あの寺での葬式は問題あるんだよなぁ。又、横になると死体役やらされたりして?

 生きてるんじゃないだろうかな? 毎度のことながら。


< Funeral in neighborhood, President(?) of Suzuki, Kensetu, construction. I have question for funeral ceremony in that temple. Again, I feel being dead body when I lei down?

 I guess, they are alive when in funeral? Too many times, again.>



At:1/10/2005 6:46:47 PM JMT


  New year breaking, since 05, now a days feel. Then, what year this is?




At: 11/16/2004 1:49:24 PM JMT


 Snow, again. Though warm winter is continues as strange weather.


At:10/10/2004 11:06:53 PM JMT

 台風通過中? 体育の日である。

 Typhoon crossing. TAIIKUnoHI, Sport-day is. today.



At:7/3/2004 7:19:59 PM JMT

北海道は、夏! とはいえ、なんとなく春のような、穏やかな季節になっている。


 Summer in Hokkaido! Then, something be said like spring, I feel calm less.


At:4/26/2004 7:57:30 PM JMT




 Already, HANAMI-season has arrived, radio said. But, here is Hokkaido, May and June is season.

 But / but, I enjoyed looking pre-blossom of Sakura through glass standing near the windows



at:1/12/04 11:21:20 PM JMT



Over new-year, theres snow around. But sky is bright, I guess.



at:12/26/03 5:51:48 PM JMT


 Snow began since yesterday night, covered around. Beginning of snow season.


at:12/14/03 10:18:51 PM JMT


 Between over-month, for this update. First snow were already at beginning of Dec. Abnormal-weather is already 20-years run, ?



at:10/15/03 9:31:37 PM JMT


              In autumn. Lefts of summer laying down on the floor of my room, fire with stove. Its just REGAIN[1], but.



at:10/6/03 1:24:36 PM JMT


Going autumn, Strong rain and thunder told winter not near, make up eyes shown red leaves in Iwanai Mt. Goes to over the 6 of tens.

              Its patchwork of You can believe it, then said Bill Clinton one of!! And Zebra in Africa.

 (Ass? Mean donkey. When not horse??? Say the word on your tongue.)


Mid of autumn, winter is coming near known as thunder and heavy rain. Red leaves Iwanai Mt. now on 6 of tens, on eyes.

              Its difficult? Which physic? (Physics! Now I known!! )


8/15/03 6:54:31 PM JMT


Summer! Stranges, walking around in convini-(ence shop), in summer.


6/24/03 7:06:31 PM JMT

        偽アカシアの花吹雪! 少しの差で見逃してしまった。

        Acacia bloom wind! I missed it, a bit of season.

6/19/03 2:44:31 PM JMT


        June. June is. Summer is coming near.


5/30/03 5:55:21 PM JMT

          窓先の桜の木が満開。いつもと少し違って、一部元気がない。 気になるなぁ。

           Cherry tree is full blossomed, on the front of window. But, unusually some of flower is shorten. I wonder.


3/28/03 12:38:50 AM JMT.


Spring comes near. Now Ugly snow-melting season.


Old news.


        mountain behind Iwanai-Dake, Mekuninai-Dake  made landslide.

1.       <Dake : mountain. Or Mt.>




Annotation:           追記



At:1/10/2005 6:30:14 PM JMT

 1月を迎えて、東小学校絶好調! 近藤の金ともの女は、全部、組のものになっているし。監督とコンサルタントで大もうけ。 責任は、大人になった近藤だ!






<end of contents.>

[1] This is just kidding. T.Kondo.